List of Intermediate Tricks
Earn your Intermediate Trick Title by demonstrating 12 tricks from the following list of tricks.
You may also demonstrate more advanced tricks.
Advanced and Expert tricks count as 2 points each.
2-on/2-off peanut
2-on/2-off pull back on (pull front feet onto platform)
balance on top of ball or peanut (stabilized in a base)
balance on a small block (4 paws)
barrel racing (go out and around a cone or object)
baton jumping (jump a handheld bar)
blind jump /paper-covered hoop
blow bubbles in water bowl
carry my bag (7 sec.)
chute tunnel
close a door
crawl tunnel (low tunnel or row of chairs)
directional casting (send to specifically 1 of several platforms)
discern objects’ names (chose correct toy out of several)
figure-8s through my legs
flyball box / slant board swimmers turn
flying disc (catch in air)
hand signals (6 behaviors)
hold object in mouth (5 sec.)
honk a bike horn
jump through my circled arms
jumping figure 8s (over bar jump)
leg weave
mail carrier (take note to someone)
open a door
pawprint painting (paw at easel)
paws rest on my arm as I walk backward
peekaboo (remain between my legs while I walk)
pick a card from a deck
platform jump with hoop between platforms
pull on a rope
rainbow ladder; front paws only (luring OK)
roll over
side-step drill (front feet in magic square or object, rotate around it)
shake hands
shell game (nose at correct cup)
sit pretty / beg
soccer (push a ball)
stay (out-of-sight stay, 20 sec)
sustained nose-touch (4 sec)
target mark (go to flat/low mark or to magic square)